
My marketing services have helped clients increase their turnover anywhere from 20% to 329%, trounce their competitors and take new products to success.


There are three ways I can work with you and your company…


#1. Embedded Manager…


The main way I work is as an embedded Marketing Manager in your management team.  And whether you have marketing function staff or not, I can steer your marketing growth programme to help drive your growth.


I’ve been most recently embedded for a five year plan with Glencore Technology.  At the beginning, they had no marketing function at all.  At the end of the first five year plan, we are a team of five.


#2. Weekly Action-in-Progress…


The second option is for a day a week as your plug-in part-time Marketing Manager.  For smaller enterprises and start-ups, this can be particularly useful.  The agenda is focused more on faster results and then on building the infrastructure that sustains growth.


#3. Hotseat Session…


The third option is fast and bite-size.  It’s a fast paced consult that starts with a questionnaire to arm me and then goes to consulting in one session to ideate some of what you might do for growth.


Three Key Ingredients


The three key ingredients I need and will proactively gather when I work with you are market intelligence, competitor intelligence and good appraisal of your company and product as a Client.


  • Market Intelligence is where I observe, interview and survey a sample of your market to find out what they want, don’t want, and how they value a company like yours.
  • Competitor Intelligence is where I find out what kinds of sales and marketing messages and activities your competitors are engaging in.
  • And Client Intelligence is where I learn about you, your own strengths and weaknesses, and what obstacles and opportunities we need to address in our marketing plan.


When I have these 3 ingredients, I can safely navigate how best we might grow faster.


Contact us, today.

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