Breakthrough Marketing Strategy and Marketing Actions
This program has helped clients increase their turnover anywhere from 20% to 329%, trounce their competitors and take new products to success.
And now, for clients who choose it, we have limited Marketing Program Finance so you can win-now and pay-later… with 6 months to pay, no interest!
Our signature program works in two streams.
#1. Short-term Activities: Fast Results…
The first stream is all about short-term gains. We conduct a thorough audit of your marketing systems, processes, marketing assets and opportunities.
We identify immediate improvements that can produce short-term and mid-term results for you.
For instance, we might identify simple adjustments to your website, advertising and sales activity that will generate more revenues with little or no increase in spending.
We find there are always simple changes that can be made up-front to start delivering a better return on investment.
#2. Long-Term Activities: Lasting Results…
The second stream makes powerful and lasting changes to your company’s marketing.
It concentrates on deriving a powerful and unique offer to take to your market, and finding new ways of acquiring and retaining more customers.
If we take a so-so message to market for you, we are tackling only one side of the multiplying effect available to you… the ‘action’. The other side is the ‘strategy’, or the message.
If you take a stronger message to market, the dollars that get spent on promoting it will work harder and earn more for you than they otherwise would.
The way we arrive at that core message is to follow our own process of USP Derivation …deriving a Unique Selling Proposition’.
Three Key Ingredients
The three key ingredients we need are market intelligence, competitor intelligence and client intelligence.
Market Intelligence is where we observe, interview and survey a sample of your market to find out what they want, don’t want, and how they value a company like yours.
Competitor Intelligence is where we find out what kinds of sales and marketing messages and activities your competitors are engaging in.
And Client Intelligence is where we learn about you, your own strengths and weaknesses, and what obstacles and opportunities we need to address in our marketing plan.
When we have these 3 ingredients, we can suddenly answer a simple but powerful question…
What does your market want… which your competitors are failing to adequately address… and which you could deliver?
From that answer, we can derive the right core offer for you to take to your market.
Detailed Marketing Plan
Then we take your new positioning and create a detailed, step-by-step and budgeted Marketing Plan.
It spells out all the activities we recommend to acquire new customers, retain existing ones longer and to earn more from all of them.
That plan is something you could take and begin to work with, yourself.
But typically at that point we swap roles from strategists to action implementers…
We run it, and then teach you how to run it
We implement the marketing plan alongside you, creating the materials, running the campaigns and monitoring results.
Within Strategy and Action, effectively now your own marketing department, we create the brochures, website, multimedia or whatever may be required to bring the campaign to life.
But then we do something completely unique. When you’re ready, we help you internalise the campaigns and systems. We make ourselves redundant. So you control your marketing.
Need Finance So You Can Win-Now, Pay-Later?
We have limited places through a trusted third party to arrange finance for your breakthrough marketing program. If you’re the business owner, you can apply for this and more than likely be approved within 30 minutes.
Not everybody wants or chooses finance, but it’s a valued option for some that lets the get the program they need sooner. The finance option is also interest-free for 6 months.
If this sounds like the kind of growth program you want for your business, contact us or call 1300 774 993 today.