You’re virtually just a month away from a new Financial Year and unless you prepare for it, it won’t be very different from the last one. Developing the strategies and budget for your company will be key to making 2013-14 stronger than this last one. Your budget and your plan go hand in hand and you […]
Which kind of website should you buy: A stand alone website that takes longer but doesn’t depend on another service? Or a hosted solution that uses a common system and is much cheaper? There’s actually a big risk and hidden peril in hosted solutions that is catching more and more companies by surprise. It’s important […]
So now that you know what ‘newsjacking’ is, let’s learn how to do it. As we discussed in our article ‘Newsjacking: How to Steal A Ride on Other People’s News’ it is an upcoming marketing and public relations trend where companies are using breaking news stories to showcase their brand or company. There is a […]
Newsjacking is a growing publicity tactic and well worth knowing about. It’s literally the hijacking of news. You inject your company’s ideas or angles into breaking news, riding the interest in that news story, to generate media coverage for your brand. A prominent example of this is when officials at the London Olympics mixed up the […]
As you may or may not have heard, our Director Stephen Johnson is lined up to be the marketing panelist at the 2013 Annual Australian Insolvency Forum at Stamford Plaza in July. Strategy and Action were chosen for our experience in ‘identifying and exploiting hidden assets and opportunities’. For some, the thought of yet another […]
IKEA’s latest advert features Gnomes who sabotage a couple who are trying to improve their garden. The adverts, which launched last week, look at a family trying to transform their garden with IKEA outdoor furniture, but they have some opposition to the change, from the ultimate embodiment of everything that’s tired and dreary about British […]
In a simple and handy model of growth strategies, Igor Ansoff built a matrix that helps you focus on your company’s present and potential products and customers. By considering ways to grow through existing products and new products, and through existing markets and new markets, he shows there are 4 possible product-market combinations. So Which […]
It’s not a secret that times are changing – and the way you do business may well be changing because of it. Ask yourself: When was the last time you went to Blockbuster and actually borrowed a DVD? New options for movie watching are endless – you can watch new releases online, purchase through iTunes, […]
Success is not just about what you do, but who you are and how you think. To be successful your attitude must match and drive your actions. A recent Harvard Business Review survey of 7,000 people had them list in order the nine most important personal strategies for success. In order of effect magnitude, the […]
You need to get on the front foot when it comes to the internet. With Google’s index of over 1 trillion unique URL’s, you need to work hard to ensure that your site is reaching the right prospects and not hiding in the mass of information on the web. Here are four handy tools you […]