Revenue Metrics : Growing One Piece At a Time

Revenue Metrics : Growing One Piece At a Time

Posted by · on October 03, 2014 · in Uncategorized · with 0 Comments

When we advise a client, we try to ensure we are addressing the metric variables of their business development and not providing just the usual suspects in advice.

Use the list below to test what small improvements in different factors can do to your bottom-line… you might be surprised!

These ‘metrics’ are four areas of variables that improve business… Acquisition, Retention, Leverage and Transaction…


We can affect two metrics through various strategies… we can affect your qualified targets volume and we can affect your conversion rate.  The metric we use looks like this…

Qualified Targets Volume x Conversion Rate = New Customers


We can affect how many older customers you keep, your retention-rate, through a lot of initiatives.  Old business kept costs a lot less than new business one.  The metric looks like this…

Existing Customers x Retention Rate = Kept Customers


We can affect how successfully you cross-sell, what customer referral schemes you have in place and your customers’ contribution to things like testimonials and case studies.  All of these help you get more per customer.  The metric looks like this…

Cross-Sell + Referrals + Assets = Customer Leverage


We can affect price, your transaction bundling (how well you up-sell) and your transaction frequency (how often your customers buy from you).  If we can lift these, then a given buying event is worth much more.  The metric looks like this…

(Price + Bundling) x Frequency = Transaction Value


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