Search (SEO)

Search (SEO)


Our digital crew can build and run your SEO program, and we’ve readily achieved ‘top 5’ results for clients.

If you’re not entirely sure of what SEO is, it’s the umbrella term for a number of activities designed to make your website appear in the top 10 natural search results when qualified prospects go looking for services you provide.

Here in Australia, Google accounts for the bulk of searches, so SEO tactics are for the most part targeted at making the most of the Google algorithm.

The algorithm changes every few months as Google attempts to get better and better at delivering relevant search results and these changes can have unintended consequences for companies that previously ranked well.

Therefore, most SEO activity is an ongoing effort.

SEO holds the promise of more website visitors, more often, for free!  We will design a tailored package to suit your business goals

It’s available as a once-off project or ongoing maintenance.


Your SEO plan will contain a mix of these activities:

Keyword research
Current Benchmarking
Insert keywords in the body content of your website
Keywords in the Page Title of your website
Keywords in the Headlines of your website
Keywords in the Alt tags of your images
Programming with search engine friendly URLs
Regular Link checking
Regular publication of new content on your website
Regular analysis of your Google WebMasters information plus recommendations for action
Regular Analysis of your Analytics information plus recommendations for action
The longer people spend on your website and the deeper they travel, the better from Google’s perspective
Backward Links Checks of Competitor websites
URL Submission
Seeking links in from other sites
Creation of your own inbound links
Outbound linking
PR and Article Publishing
Forum participation
Google Alerts
Reporting on search results



Your SEO program can include a mix of these activities designed not just to report on ranking, passively, but to proactively engage in activities reasonably expected to boost rank.  The precise mix depends on the current state of play and the different results you want to chase.


Contact us today to make a start, or call 1300 774 993

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